Water optimisation for water dispensers

As a service, water is making enormous strides.

BWT makes it so easy to transform tap water into a tasty refreshing drink.
AQA drink 60 AQA drink 60

Water optimisation for
water dispensers

Serving good quality water to customers and visitors as a refreshment at the point of sale is part of the way many industries set the right tone.

The easiest way to provide fresh water as a service to customers and visitors is to install a water dispenser that has a permanent water connection. In this case, it is advisable to treat and optimise the incoming raw water with filter systems from BWT water+more that have been specially designed for use in cold water dispensers.

Your benefit: The highest sensory quality, hygiene and a constant supply of delicious water!


Your benefits

Inno­va­tive filter systems

The inno­va­tive BWT bestdrink PREMIUM filter­ system with BWT magnesium technology ensures a balanced mineralisation of the water, giving it its unbeatable quality, transforming every mouthful into a flavour sensation for the consumer. Water dispensers also need to be protected from germs and the BWT best­care filter system is the perfect answer. It offers consumers a high level of hygiene safety. If the raw water contains so-called "off flavours", then BWT best­taste is the optimum choice. This filter system draws targeted organic components and chlorine from the water and brings freshness to the water dispenser.

Products for optimum cold beverages

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