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HOST 2023 HOST 2023

Welcome to our booth

Ho.Re.Ca. & Vending

for catering and hospitality sector

In gastronomy and the hotel industry, water is a central element. Guests come into contact with it with every sip and every bite.

Coffee and tea get a fuller flavor with the right water. Steam turns pastries into crispy, fragrant deli­ca­cies. Espe­cially in the kitchen, the motto is: if the water is right, the result is right.

Bread gets a crispy coating, vegeta­bles retain their vita­mins and appe­tizing color, and the nose is filled with fine roasted aromas. And after the meal, perfect water ensures immac­u­late clean­li­ness when cleaning dishes, glasses, and cutlery.

BWT water+more treats your water indi­vid­u­ally on site, depending on the area of use and water quality.

Come and see for your­self, we look forward to it!

Our pillars

BWT Recycling process

BWT recycling process
BWT recycling process

Our segments

Water optimization for Coffee / Vending

Exchanging ideas with coffee and tea connois­seurs from all over the world has always been part of BWT water more’s corpo­rate philos­ophy. It gives us valu­able impulses for our devel­op­ments and inno­va­tions. We know exactly what is impor­tant in the prepa­ra­tion of coffee and tea and ensure perfect water.

We offer a wide range of tech­ni­cally sophis­ti­cated solu­tions that enable users to meet all their water for coffee, tea & co. in the best possible way. These include unique all-​round solu­tions for almost 90 % of all water situ­a­tions, which work with different filter stages to remove unde­sir­able compounds from the water in a targeted manner and according to the respec­tive require­ments.

For example, they specif­i­cally reduce the calcium content and thus protecting the machine tech­nology. Cutting-​edge tech­nolo­gies such as our reverse osmosis system also solve special water prob­lems such as high chlo­ride or sulfate content, making them ideal for large water volumes.

Water optimization for Coffee / Vending Water optimization for Coffee / Vending

Water optimization for Oven/ Steamers

Without the gentle and effective cooking and baking technology in modern combi steamers and ovens, the contemporary production of culinary specialties in the catering and baking trades would be inconceivable. The fine, highly heated steam mist has enormously expanded the spectrum of cooking and baking methods.

However, the new all-round geniuses in demanding commercial applications depend on first-class water quality, which can be achieved through products like our bestaqua ROC. Any undesirable constituent in the water limits their productivity and prevents them from performing to their full potential. In the worst case, even the cooking or baking product itself suffers.

Water optimization for Oven/ Steamers Water optimization for Oven/ Steamers

Water optimization for ice cube machines

Ice cubes, a seemingly simple element in our daily lives, can be transformed into a pinnacle of purity and taste when produced with our filter systems, such as the BWT bestaqua ROC product. These innovative filtration systems redefine the way we think about ice, elevating it to a new level of quality and flavor.

The BWT bestaqua ROC system employs advanced reverse osmosis technology, which is highly effective at removing impurities, minerals, and contaminants from water. When this purified water is frozen into ice cubes, the difference in taste and quality is immediately noticeable. With BWT filtration, the ice cubes become a pure, crystalline embodiment of water's essence. Any lingering flavors or odors from minerals, chlorine, or other impurities are eliminated, allowing for a refreshingly clean and neutral taste.

Beyond culinary and beverage applications, BWT's commitment to water purity extends to environmental awareness. The bestaqua ROC system significantly reduces water waste compared to conventional reverse osmosis systems, making it a sustainable choice for all, and protects your machines from limescale or gypsum deposits.

Ice cubes Water optimization for ice cube machines

Water optimization for Ware Washing

In the gastronomy sector, in addition to the quality of food and beverages, visual appearance naturally also plays an essential role. Perfect dishwashing results ensure cleanliness, hygiene and a flawless appearance of crockery, glasses, and cutlery. In addition to the quality of the dishwasher and detergent, the water plays a decisive role in the shine and perfect appearance of crockery, glasses, and cutlery.

Depending on the quality of the water, it can leave limescale stains and streaks on the dishes, which can seriously spoil the overall appearance for guests. Optimized water from BWT helps you make a sparkling first impression in every respect with our filters such as bestclear or bestclear Extra or the reverse osmosis system bestaqua ROC as well as the soft water system bestsoft.

opvask-glas-rene broadway engineering

Our product range



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We are waiting for you!

Every day we will be present at our booth to explain the market novel­ties, our products or simply to have a deli­cious coffee or a cool glass of perfect mine­ra­lized water toge­ther!