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Stop Planet Plastic - be the change now

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Change the World Change the World


For you and planet blue.


Without water there is no life, no growth and no progress. Which is why BWT has dedi­cated itself to water - our most impor­tant vital consum­able and our lifeblood - with a vision of becoming the global leader in water tech­nology and devel­oping prod­ucts and processes that are both eco-friendly and cost-effective.

We change the world - Sip by sip

We dream of a world where everyone has access to clean drinking water. Of a world in which we use local tap water and trans­form it into drinking water of the highest quality, enriched with magne­sium, zinc or sili­cate. Where plastic waste from dispos­able bottles is a thing of the past and we value our precious resource, water. We are dreaming of a world that becomes a little bit better, every day, sip by sip.

Is it worth having a water dispenser?

SPOILER ALERT: Yes, it is better to have it!

Nowa­days many hotels, restau­rants, cafés all over the world are switching from bottled water to water dispensers for many different reasons. By providing locally miner­al­ized, tasty BWT drinking water, both chilled and sparkling, they can keep their customers and guests refreshed and hydrated with the addi­tional benefit of reducing their carbon foot­print.

Besides improving the quality of the water, they serve, they also lower annual costs and contribute to sustain­ability objec­tives, elim­i­nate trans­port, reclaim valu­able space, and elevate the customer expe­ri­ence. Comparing cost effi­ciency, bottled water is calcu­lated by cost per litre, whereas a water dispenser causes cost per unit (rent or sale).

There­fore, the more drinking water they use per year, the more signif­i­cant the savings will be. Bottles will have to be trans­ported, put in storage, then in refrig­er­a­tors, and once empty the bottles will have to be returned or disposed. And if we consider the cost, the saving is incon­ceiv­able! BWT water dispensers, the conscious and smart choice!

For You and Planet Blue

Water Dispenser broadway engineering



In gastronomy and the hotel industry, local water, enriched with valu­able minerals and trace elements, is partic­u­larly valued. BWT offers effec­tive solu­tions that combine safety, quality and low oper­ating costs in a range of reli­able devices that guar­antee water with excel­lent sensory taste char­ac­ter­is­tics and require low main­te­nance. BWT’s patented miner­al­iza­tion tech­nology makes this differ­ence. Thanks to this tech­nology, there is no need to ship bottled water around the world. Any longer conse­quently, reducing plastic waste, avoiding trans­porta­tion costs, and mini­mizing the CO2 foot­print.

For You and Planet Blue.


Water dispenser solutions for professionals

For tasty, locally-produced, mineralized drinking water



With BWT drinking water solu­tions, you can be sure to always enjoy pure water. In addi­tion to the wide variety of water types,
such as chilled, sparkling or still, all BWT water dispensers are equipped with numerous hygiene and safety features.

As a business, you can make a valuable contribution and set a clear example for sustainability and a sensitive approach to the way we use our precious resource, water. Say NO to single use plastic and help make our planet a little bit better - sip by sip.

We have the solution for you!


Water dispenser solutions for professionals


Please, download our catalogue from here, containing the follow product portfolio for HO.RE.CA, workplaces, healthcare, public venues and household solutions.