Water treatment reinvented

BWT reverse osmosis technology

Never before has it been so simple, inexpensive and safe to process local drinking water into pure water for the specific requirements of the gastronomy sector.
BWT Umkehrosmoseanlage BWT Umkehrosmoseanlage

Reverse osmosis technology from BWT


Compact, high-performance and efficient

Reverse osmosis tech­nology has been popular in the gastronomy busi­ness for many years. The chal­lenge has always been the ease of instal­la­tion, service and oper­a­tion of the machines. Exten­sive tech­no­log­ical exper­tise was required here.

BWT water+more has virtu­ally rein­vented the concept of reverse osmosis. The primary objec­tive here was its simple and effi­cient use with regard to the specific require­ments of the gastronomy sector.

The result is a genuine revo­lu­tion: BWT bestaqua ROC Tech­nology.

Whether for coffee machines, profes­sional dish­washers, ovens, combi­na­tion steamers, or any other appli­ca­tions for which regular tap water needs to be purified: The BWT bestaqua ROC product concept offers unique prac­tical solu­tions in every case.

Innovation for pure water

Advantages of the BWT bestaqua ROC technology

The distin­guishing feature of this new gener­a­tion device is the inno­v­a­tive membrane module. At first glance, it looks like one of the BWT water+more water filters which have proven their worth millions of times over. The inner work­ings of this module, however, are special. It is equipped with one of the most high-​performance membranes in the world from BWT, which runs and runs ... main­te­nance free and always highly effi­ciently.

The BWT bestaqua ROC reverse-​osmosis system shows its strengths in partic­ular if the levels of concomi­tant substances in the raw water or the pure water require­ments are high. And where there is a need for stan­dard­ised water opti­mi­sa­tion that delivers reli­able results world­wide.

Smart concept

BWT bestaqua ROC concept goes even further! Depending on the area of appli­ca­tion, the desired mineral content can be adjusted in a targeted, indi­vidual manner and moni­tored live via an app.

More­over, for coffee appli­ca­tions, the permeate obtained in this targeted manner is specially miner­alised through a down­stream miner­al­i­sa­tion stage. BWT Magne­sium Tech­nology makes it possible!

How does reverse osmosis work?

Essentially, the raw water is forced through a special membrane under pressure, practically all the dissolved salt (ions) are thus retained (in the concentrate) in order to obtain the purest and virtually salt-free water (in the permeate).

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